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MSF volunteers take part in a Mapathon event at in Berlin.

Germany 2021 © Barbara Sigge/MSF


MSF-USA Virtual May Mapathon

MSF volunteers take part in a Mapathon event at in Berlin.

Germany 2021 © Barbara Sigge/MSF

May 04, 2022

6:00PM-8:00PM ET

Event type: Live online

Doctors Without Borders/Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF) invites you to participate in a virtual mapathon on Wednesday, May 4 from 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM ET on Zoom.

At this month's mapathon, we will map in Jonglei state in northeastern South Sudan, a region that has experienced intercommunal violence over the past few years. These recurring episodes have devastating consequences for the population, as the attacks cause displacement and loss of livelihoods for hundreds or even thousands of people. During the rainy season people are even more exposed to diseases like malaria, respiratory infections, and diarrhea.

To try to answer the needs of the population, MSF runs a primary healthcare center in the town of Pieri and is currently exploring opening a new outreach site around the town. A better understanding of the geography and population numbers of Pieri and surrounding villages will help the MSF team to develop this new site.

Our guest speaker will be Hans Ege Wenger, a logistics manager who recently returned from an MSF assignment in South Sudan. He will shed light on his experience in Jonglei state and the importance of having accurate maps in the field.

A special initiative founded by Doctors Without Borders, American Red Cross, British Red Cross, and the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team, Missing Maps is powered by volunteers around the world. Using OpenStreetMap, an open, free, and crowd-sourced platform, volunteers map underserved regions in order to provide international and local NGOs and individuals with geographic data to better respond to crises. At this virtual mapping party, we will be mapping parts of the world's most remote locations to help MSF respond more effectively to humanitarian emergencies like disease outbreaks, natural disasters, and more.  Both beginners and experienced mappers are welcome to join this Mapathon. We will be utilizing the OpenStreetMap Platform and the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team Tasking Manager

Mapathon Agenda
6:00 PM - Presentation on MSF and the Missing Maps Project.
6:30 PM -  Introduction of mapping project for the evening, a presentation from MSF staff, and a step-by-step iD Editor mapping tutorial.
6:50 PM - All users are mapping! MSF provides individualized support throughout the rest of the event.

Leading up to the event, click here to learn more about the Missing Maps Project. Join us for a fun, engaging event that directly contributes to MSF's humanitarian work in the field!