Civilians have been fleeing the conflict between Sudanese government forces and rebels from the North Sudanese People Liberation Movement (SPLM-North) in Sudan's South Kordofan region since June 2011. The only option for many displaced people is to seek refuge in the camp of Yida, just on the other side of the border in South Sudan. As Yida's population continues to grow, the camp's location has become a source of complex political tensions that increasingly threaten the condition of the refugees.
MSF has been providing assistance in Yida since December 2011. The organization currently runs a primary health care center (providing an average of 10,000 consultations per month) and a 60-bed hospital with a malnutrition unit, and sends mobile teams throughout the camp. MSF is also involved in water supply and latrine construction. From May 2012 to May 2013, MSF treated nearly 3,000 severely malnourished children in Yida.